Samstag, 26. September 2009

Fanaktivität = Einschaltquoten

Eine Studie von stellt einen Zusammenhang zwischen Fanaktivität und Einschaltquoten einer Serie her: "Fan fiction is a really popular outlet for fan expression of interest in television shows. The stories are creative, explore plot lines in the show and, according to many fans, help market a series in a positive way. Fans often argue that their activities mirror larger interest in a show, and that producers should pay more attention to them and cater to their fannish interests as the example provided seems to demonstrate. (...) The results confirmed what many fans already suspected: Levels of fan activity, specifically in terms of the production of fan fiction, mirrors interest specific episodes of television. Fan fiction can be used to predict Nielsen Ratings". - Quelle: Online PR News vom 25. September 2009.

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