Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2010

Neu entdeckte Sekundärliteratur

Anupam Chander / Madhavi Sunder: "Everyone's a Superhero: A Cultural Theory of Mary Sue Fan Fiction as Fair Use". In: California Law Review 95 (2007), S. 597 ff.

Sharon Hayes / Matthew Ball: "Queering cyberspace : fan fiction communities as spaces for expressing and exploring sexuality". In: Burkhard Scherer (Hrsg.): Queering paradigms. New York: Peter Lang 2009

Molly Wright: Imitation, not limitation. Fan fiction in the classroom. Columbus State University, Bachelor Thesis in Language and Literature, 2006

Henry Jenkins: "'If I Could Speak With Your Sound': Fan Music, Textual Proximity, and Liminal Identification". In: Camera Obscura 8 (1990) 2, S. 148 - 175 (Themenheft "Popular Culture and Reception Studies", herausgegeben von Lynn Spigel)

Sonia K. Katyal: "Performance, Property, and the Slashing of Gender in Fan Fiction". In: American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law 14 (2006), S. 461

Nicolle Lamerichs: Borrowed. Understanding Authorial Practices in Fanfiction. Universität Maastricht, Master Thesis in Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology, 2009

Rachel L. Stroude: "Comment: Complimentary Creation: Protecting Fan Fiction as Fair Use". In: Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 14 (2010), S. 191

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