Samstag, 26. September 2009

Fanaktivität = Einschaltquoten

Eine Studie von stellt einen Zusammenhang zwischen Fanaktivität und Einschaltquoten einer Serie her: "Fan fiction is a really popular outlet for fan expression of interest in television shows. The stories are creative, explore plot lines in the show and, according to many fans, help market a series in a positive way. Fans often argue that their activities mirror larger interest in a show, and that producers should pay more attention to them and cater to their fannish interests as the example provided seems to demonstrate. (...) The results confirmed what many fans already suspected: Levels of fan activity, specifically in terms of the production of fan fiction, mirrors interest specific episodes of television. Fan fiction can be used to predict Nielsen Ratings". - Quelle: Online PR News vom 25. September 2009.

"The scene that smells of zine spirit"

Jessica Bateman berichtet im Independent vom 25. September unter den Titel "The scene that smells of zine spirit" über Fanzines: "It should have died out with flexi discs and VHS, but now a new generation is embracing the DIY world of the fanzine".

Samstag, 12. September 2009

Buchpaket :-)

Bei betterworldbooks (ein US-amerikanischer Buchversand, mit dem ich bisher nur gute Erfahrungen gemacht habe) bestellt und vor wenigen Minuten aus dem Postkastl geholt:
  • Frances Early, Kathleen Kennedy (Hrsg.): Athena's Daughters. Television's new women warriors. New York: Syracuse University Press 2003 (enthält unter anderem den Aufsatz "Tall, dark and dangerous: Xena, the Quest, and the wielding of sexual violence in Xena on-line fan fiction" von Helen Caudill)
  • Lincoln Geraghty: Living with Star Trek. American culture and the Star Trek universe. London/New York: I.B. Tauris 2007 (enthält unter anderem den Abschnitt "A network of support: identification and emotion in Star Trek fan letters")
  • Freitag, 11. September 2009

    "Slashfic perverts the source material"

    "Slashfic intentionally perverts the source material, in the sense of an enjoyment in subverting mundane norms one doesn't respect, along homosexual and homosocial themes".

    Aus: Steve Abrams, Smaragd Grün: "Mundanes at the gate... and perverts within: Managing internal and external threats to community online". In: Tyrone L. Adams, Stephen A. Smith (eds.): Electronic tribes. The virtual worlds of geeks, gamers, shamans, and scammers. Austin: University of Texas Press 2008, S. 211

    Sonntag, 6. September 2009

    Fanzines - "being killed by the Internet"

    Unter "50 things that are being killed by the Internet" reiht ein Artikel in den Economic Times u.a. "Listening to an album all the way through", "Letter writing/pen pals", "Geographical knowledge", "Privacy" und "Footnotes" auch "Fanzines".

    Dienstag, 1. September 2009

    Fans "are not your lab rats"

    "Fandom to researchers: We are not your lab rats", titelt Yonmei im Feminist SF-Weblog und fährt fort: "The problem people have who decide to 'study fandom', if they do not do sufficient prior research, is that they frequently underestimate fannish intelligence. (...) Anyone smart enough to successfully do scientific research inside fandom will be perfectly aware that fandom will likewise be researching them". Ich hoffe ja, bei meiner Diplomarbeit als langjähriger Star Trek-Fan genügend Wissen und als Nicht-Fanfiction-Schreiberin genügend Distanz mitzubringen, aber das ist auf alle Fälle ein sehr wertvoller Hinweis.