Donnerstag, 27. November 2008

Fan Fiction und Fanzines in Bibliotheken

  • Bartel, Julie: Building a Winning Zine Collection in Your Library. Chicago: ALA 2004
  • Block, Marylaine: "Who's Going to Preserve E-Zine Content?". In: Library Journal 127 (2002), S. 58
  • Chepesiuk, Ron: "The Zine Scene: Libraries Preserve". In: American Libraries 28 (1997), S. 68 – 70
  • Davis, Susan: "Zines and Libraries". In: Serials Review 21 (1995) 4, S. 96
  • Dodge, Chris: "Pushing the boundaries: Zines and libraries". In: Wilson Library Bulletin 69 (1995), S. 26-30
  • Hart, Chris; Schoolbred, Michael; Butcher, David; Kane, David: "The bibliographical structure of fan information". In: Collection Building 18 (1999) 2, S. 81 - 89
  • Faur, Jean Claude: "Le Centre d'étude et de documentation sur l'image à la Bibliothèque municipale de Marseille". In: Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France 27 (1982) 2, S. 85 - 88
  • Herrada, Julie; Billie Aul: "Zines in Libraries: A Culture Preserved". In: Serials Review 21 (1995), S. 79 – 88
  • Knight, Annie: Scratching the Surface: Zines in Libraries. Seminararbeit, 1. Mai 2004
  • Kucsma, Jason: "Countering marginalization: incorporating zines into the library". In: Library Juice 5 (2002) 6
  • N.N.: "Sci-fi fanzine collection". In: Library Journal, 103 (1978) 2, S. 124, 15. Jänner 1978
  • Perris, Kate: Unearthing the underground: a comparative study of zines in libraries. London Metropolitan University, MA Thesis, 2004
  • Wolfe, Jen; Anderson, Mark F.: "Digital collections, the next generation: transitioning to METS for a science fiction digitization project". In: Against the Grain 19 (2007) 1, S. 37 – 40
  • Wooten, Kelly: Women's zines in the Sarah Dyer Zine Collection. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science, Master's Paper, 2002
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