Habe mir bei der UB Wien die Aufsatzsammlung "Identity Trouble. Critical Discourse and Contested Identities", herausgegeben von Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard und Rick Iedema, gewunschen, denn da ist der Aufsatz "Multilingual Fan Fiction: Writing (Trans) Local Identities and Communities" von Sirpa Leppänen erschienen.
Auf der Website des Centre of Excellence for the Study of Variation, Contacts and Change in English ist eine Beschreibung des vermutlich zugrundeliegenden Forschungsprojektes nachzulesen: "In this project, fan fiction is approached as situated at the intersection of the domains of fans' everyday lives, popular media, and the Web. Fan fiction has a key role in the on-going linguistic and cultural change in Finland, traditionally an EFL country with a fairly homogenous cultural identity. It is one influential site through which English spreads and establishes itself as a resource for Finns, in their everyday lives as well as in the negotiation of (trans)local identities and communities. More specifically, my study investigates Finnish fan fiction as multilingual discourse and literacy practice, where the role of English varies from the sole to primary, additional and embedded language".
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