Sonntag, 23. August 2009

Neu auf der Literaturliste

Wertham, Fredric: The world of fanzines. A special form of communication. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 1973

Hills, Matt: "Patterns of Surprise. The 'Aleatory Object' in Psychoanalytic Ethnography and Cyclical Fandom". In: American Behavioral Scientist 48 (2005) 7, S. 801 – 821

Chatelain, Julianne: "Learning from the review culture of fan fiction". In: Journal of Digital Information 3 (2002) 3

Rehak, Bob: "Mapping the bit girl: Lara Croft and new media fandom". In: Information Communication & Society 6 (2003) 4, S. 477 - 496

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