Weblog zu meiner Diplomarbeit "Deutschsprachige Star Trek-Fan Fiction. Genre, Kanäle, Motive", die ich im März 2013 am Institut für Germanistik der Universität Wien fertiggestellt habe
Mittwoch, 25. November 2009
McClain: "fan magazines, narrative, and spectatorship"
Entdeckt in der Routledge-Zeitschrift New Review of Film and Television Studies, Ausgabe 7 (2009) 4: "Film-fiction: fan magazines, narrative, and spectatorship in American cinema of the 1910s" von William McClain. Abstract: "The presentation of film texts as short stories in early motion picture fan magazines has long been treated as a sort of antiquarian curio, and has usually been discussed as simple synopsis of the films in question. In fact, close examination of these 'fictionalizations' and comparison across magazines and between fictionalized and film text suggests that these stories do not simply re-present or expand on the films - they transform them into an aesthetic distinct from that of the transitional film era and more in line with classical Hollywood norms. In doing so, they suggest that films were not treated by readers as 'master texts' from which other forms merely derived, but as contingent incarnations of a story world presumed to be behind the films. In doing so, they suggest that readers of early fan magazines may have had a similar relationship to filmic and literary texts, and a similar understanding of fandom, as has been found in studies of more contemporary fan cultures" ((c) Taylor & Francis).
Montag, 9. November 2009
zwei DVDs hereingeflattert
Habe mir zwei Filme über Star Trek-Fans gekauft und hoffe, sie mal mit der fedsig-Gruppe anschauen zu können:
Trekkies. A hilarious look at the universe's most fervent fans, Regie Roger Nygard.
Free Enterprise, Regie Robert Meyer Burnett.
Freitag, 6. November 2009
Probezugang zu Media Journals
Sage Publishing bietet gerade einen kostenlosen Probezugang zu allen Journals im Bereich "Communication and Media Studies" - da ist natürlich jede Menge für mich dabei, z.B. die Zeitschriften "Television & New Media", "Games and Culture", "Media, Culture & Society", "New Media & Society" und "Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies".
Ich bin zum Beispiel auf den Artikel "Cyber-Slaying Media Fans: Code, Digital Poaching, and Corporate Control of the Internet" von Mia Consalvo gestoßen. Abstract: "This article examines media fans' Web sites devoted to Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to determine how the code of the Internet allows fans some creative control over media artifacts of interest to them and how such actions pose a challenge to media corporations and their copyrights. However, this challenge is also limited by the changing code of the Internet, at varying levels, as corporations seek to change open code to closed-proprietary code and limit such actions. Thus, this article explores the resistances of fans to corporate actions and how the code of the Internet is gradually changing into a system more conducive to corporate capitalism than community creation or any other transformative space".
Consalvo hat 1999 ihren PhD in Mass Communications mit der Arbeit "The Best of Both Worlds? Exploring Bodies, Technologies, Gender and the Borg of Star Trek" geschrieben und 2007 das Buch "Cheating. Gaining Advantage in Videogames" bei MIT Press veröffentlicht.
Ich bin zum Beispiel auf den Artikel "Cyber-Slaying Media Fans: Code, Digital Poaching, and Corporate Control of the Internet" von Mia Consalvo gestoßen. Abstract: "This article examines media fans' Web sites devoted to Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to determine how the code of the Internet allows fans some creative control over media artifacts of interest to them and how such actions pose a challenge to media corporations and their copyrights. However, this challenge is also limited by the changing code of the Internet, at varying levels, as corporations seek to change open code to closed-proprietary code and limit such actions. Thus, this article explores the resistances of fans to corporate actions and how the code of the Internet is gradually changing into a system more conducive to corporate capitalism than community creation or any other transformative space".
Consalvo hat 1999 ihren PhD in Mass Communications mit der Arbeit "The Best of Both Worlds? Exploring Bodies, Technologies, Gender and the Borg of Star Trek" geschrieben und 2007 das Buch "Cheating. Gaining Advantage in Videogames" bei MIT Press veröffentlicht.
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