Freitag, 6. November 2009

Probezugang zu Media Journals

Sage Publishing bietet gerade einen kostenlosen Probezugang zu allen Journals im Bereich "Communication and Media Studies" - da ist natürlich jede Menge für mich dabei, z.B. die Zeitschriften "Television & New Media", "Games and Culture", "Media, Culture & Society", "New Media & Society" und "Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies".
Ich bin zum Beispiel auf den Artikel "Cyber-Slaying Media Fans: Code, Digital Poaching, and Corporate Control of the Internet" von Mia Consalvo gestoßen. Abstract: "This article examines media fans' Web sites devoted to Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to determine how the code of the Internet allows fans some creative control over media artifacts of interest to them and how such actions pose a challenge to media corporations and their copyrights. However, this challenge is also limited by the changing code of the Internet, at varying levels, as corporations seek to change open code to closed-proprietary code and limit such actions. Thus, this article explores the resistances of fans to corporate actions and how the code of the Internet is gradually changing into a system more conducive to corporate capitalism than community creation or any other transformative space".
Consalvo hat 1999 ihren PhD in Mass Communications mit der Arbeit "The Best of Both Worlds? Exploring Bodies, Technologies, Gender and the Borg of Star Trek" geschrieben und 2007 das Buch "Cheating. Gaining Advantage in Videogames" bei MIT Press veröffentlicht.

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