Dienstag, 15. März 2011

The demand for stop-action Star Wars

Ich lese gerade das sehr interessante und gut geschriebene Buch "Free. The future of a radical price" von Chris Anderson, dem Chefredakteur von "Wired", der auch für sein Buch "The long tail. Why the future of business is selling less of more" bekannt wurde. Anderson schrieb ein Kapitel über "Imagining abundance. Thought experiments in 'post-scarcity' societies, from science fiction to religion", in dem er u.a. auf E.M. Forsters Erzählung "The machine stops", Neal Stephensons Roman "The diamond age", Arthur C. Clarkes "The city and the stars" und den Film "Metropolis" von Fritz Lang eingeht.

Noch interessanter finde ich aber die Passagen über Star Wars. Anderson schreibt, dass er seine Kinder vor die Wahl stellte, einen der offiziellen Star Wars-Filme in HD und Surround Sound (inkl. Popcorn) oder Lego-Stop-Motion-Filme von Gleichaltrigen auf YouTube anzuschauen. Sie wählten ohne langes Zögern die selbstproduzierten Animationsfilme: "It turns out that my kids, and many like them, aren't really that interested in Star Wars as created by George Lucas. They're more interested in Star Wars as created by their peers, never mind the shaky cameras and the fingers in the frame. (...) The demand for stop-action Star Wars must have always been there, but just invisible because no marketer thought to offer it. But once we had YouTube, and didn't need a marketer's permission to do things, an invisible market suddenly emerged" (S. 194).

Im Kapitel "Nonmonetary economies. Where money doesn't rule, what does?" beschäftigt sich Anderson mit der Motivation von Menschen, z.B. Wikipedia-Artikel (und ich ergänze: Fan Fiction) zu schreiben: "In short, doing things we like without pay makes us happier than the work we do for a salary. (...) The opportunity to contribute in a way that is both creative and appreciated is exactly the sort of fulfillment that Maslow privileged above all other aspirations, and what many jobs so seldom provide. No wonder the Web exploded, driven by volunteer labor - it made people happy to be creative, to contribute, to have an impact, and to be recognized as an expert in something" (S. 189).

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