Weblog zu meiner Diplomarbeit "Deutschsprachige Star Trek-Fan Fiction. Genre, Kanäle, Motive", die ich im März 2013 am Institut für Germanistik der Universität Wien fertiggestellt habe
Dienstag, 20. April 2010
poisoning lessons from star trek
Das NCBI ROFL-Weblog grub den Aufsatz "The history of poisoning in the future: lessons from Star Trek" aus. Aus dem Abstract: "The Arts are replete with examples of presaged events of the future. Since a unique glimpse of the 23rd century is afforded by the television series Star Trek, a survey of the toxin-related events as chronicled by the crew of the USS Starship Enterprise may provide insight to prepare toxicologists for the future". Zum Nachlesen in Pubmed. - Siehe dazu auch den Eintrag "Poison" im Memory Alpha Star Trek Wiki.
Montag, 19. April 2010
Fanfiction issue of "The Escapist"
"I have a love/hate relationship with fanfiction. On the one hand, it makes my skin crawl. Especially some of the seedier stuff, the type where you just know some poor, deranged soul has been privately fantasizing about Princess Leia and, for some unfathomable reason, has decided to share those fantasies with the world. On the other hand, it can be fun - and fruitful - to borrow characters from your favorite movie/TV show/game and make them do your bidding (just so long as you're not making them hump). After all, without fanfiction, the internet would be pretty much content-free (save for content of people humping)", schreibt Russ Pitts in seinem Editorial zum Fan Fiction-Themenheft der Zeitschrift "The Escapist". Darin sind folgende Artikel enthalten:"From Fanfiction to Just Fiction" / Vanessa Cohen "Corporate Fanfic" / Dillon Sinnott "Interviews With the Fandom" / Peter Parrish "Hooking Up in Hyperspace" / Brendan Main "What if Spock and Kirk Got It On?" / Greg Tito
Freitag, 16. April 2010
Some miscellaneous texts on SF / Fan language
Patricia Byrd: "Star Trek Lives: Trekker Slang". In: American Speech 53 (1978) 1, S. 52-58
Bruce Southard: "The Language of Science-Fiction Fan Magazines". In: American Speech 57 (1982) 1, S. 19-31
Oliver Siebold: Wort - Genre - Text. Wortneubildungen in der Science Fiction. Tübingen: Narr 2000
Katrina Blasingame: "'I Can't Believe I'm Saying It Twice in the Same Century... but 'Duh...' The Evolution of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sub-Culture Language through the Medium of Fanfiction". In: Slayage 20 (2006) [from the Slayage special issue "Beyond Slayer Slang: Pragmatics, Discourse, and Style", edited by Michael Adams, who wrote "Slayer Slang: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon" by the way]
Roberta Rogow: FutureSpeak. A fan's guide to the language of science fiction. New York: Paragon House 1991
Philip Nel: "Harry's language. Taking issue with words. You say 'jelly,' I say 'jell-o'? Harry Potter and the transfiguration of language". In: Lana A. Whited (ed.): The ivory tower and Harry Potter. Perspectives on a literary phenomenon. Columbia: University of Missouri Press 2002
Mark Bould: "Language and linguistics". In: The Routledge companion to science fiction. London / New York: Routledge 2009
Jeff Prucher: Brave new words. The Oxford dictionary of science fiction. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007
Heather Urbanski: Writing and the digital generation. Essays on new media rhetoric. Jefferson: McFarland 2010
Bruce Southard: "The Language of Science-Fiction Fan Magazines". In: American Speech 57 (1982) 1, S. 19-31
Oliver Siebold: Wort - Genre - Text. Wortneubildungen in der Science Fiction. Tübingen: Narr 2000
Katrina Blasingame: "'I Can't Believe I'm Saying It Twice in the Same Century... but 'Duh...' The Evolution of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sub-Culture Language through the Medium of Fanfiction". In: Slayage 20 (2006) [from the Slayage special issue "Beyond Slayer Slang: Pragmatics, Discourse, and Style", edited by Michael Adams, who wrote "Slayer Slang: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon" by the way]
Roberta Rogow: FutureSpeak. A fan's guide to the language of science fiction. New York: Paragon House 1991
Philip Nel: "Harry's language. Taking issue with words. You say 'jelly,' I say 'jell-o'? Harry Potter and the transfiguration of language". In: Lana A. Whited (ed.): The ivory tower and Harry Potter. Perspectives on a literary phenomenon. Columbia: University of Missouri Press 2002
Mark Bould: "Language and linguistics". In: The Routledge companion to science fiction. London / New York: Routledge 2009
Jeff Prucher: Brave new words. The Oxford dictionary of science fiction. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007
Heather Urbanski: Writing and the digital generation. Essays on new media rhetoric. Jefferson: McFarland 2010
"majority of slashers identify as queer"
Interessante Gedanken und Untersuchung über die Selbsteinschätzung der sexuellen Orientierung von Slash-Schreiberinnen bei Fandom Research und Melannen.
Media Fandom Through a Lens, Darkly
Gerade in der Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database entdeckt: die PhD Thesis "Speculative Fiction and Media Fandom Through a Lens, Darkly" von Andre Carrington, verfasst 2009 an der New York University. Subjects: motion pictures; fans; television; comics; race; fan fiction. Auf der Website der Uni ist dazu noch folgendes zu lesen: "His dissertation, 'Speculative Fiction and Media Fandom Through a Lens, Darkly,' investigates blackness in paraliterary genres of film, television, performance, comics, and print fiction in the 20th century through their fan cultures".
Donnerstag, 15. April 2010
Who invented fanfic?
"Who invented fanfic?", fragt Yonmei im Feminist SF-Blog. Mehr dazu auch im Eintrag "How John Scalzi invented fanfic" auf geekfeminism.org.
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