Freitag, 16. April 2010

Some miscellaneous texts on SF / Fan language

Patricia Byrd: "Star Trek Lives: Trekker Slang". In: American Speech 53 (1978) 1, S. 52-58

Bruce Southard: "The Language of Science-Fiction Fan Magazines". In: American Speech 57 (1982) 1, S. 19-31

Oliver Siebold: Wort - Genre - Text. Wortneubildungen in der Science Fiction. Tübingen: Narr 2000

Katrina Blasingame: "'I Can't Believe I'm Saying It Twice in the Same Century... but 'Duh...' The Evolution of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sub-Culture Language through the Medium of Fanfiction". In: Slayage 20 (2006) [from the Slayage special issue "Beyond Slayer Slang: Pragmatics, Discourse, and Style", edited by Michael Adams, who wrote "Slayer Slang: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon" by the way]

Roberta Rogow: FutureSpeak. A fan's guide to the language of science fiction. New York: Paragon House 1991

Philip Nel: "Harry's language. Taking issue with words. You say 'jelly,' I say 'jell-o'? Harry Potter and the transfiguration of language". In: Lana A. Whited (ed.): The ivory tower and Harry Potter. Perspectives on a literary phenomenon. Columbia: University of Missouri Press 2002

Mark Bould: "Language and linguistics". In: The Routledge companion to science fiction. London / New York: Routledge 2009

Jeff Prucher: Brave new words. The Oxford dictionary of science fiction. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007

Heather Urbanski: Writing and the digital generation. Essays on new media rhetoric. Jefferson: McFarland 2010

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