Weblog zu meiner Diplomarbeit "Deutschsprachige Star Trek-Fan Fiction. Genre, Kanäle, Motive", die ich im März 2013 am Institut für Germanistik der Universität Wien fertiggestellt habe
Dienstag, 29. März 2011
Neue Website für Barnard Zine Library
Zine-Ausstellung in Prag
Die BigMag-Datenbank, die noch mehr dieser Publikationen verzeichnet, findet sich auf www.bigmag.cz. Zum Hintergrund des Projekts heißt es dort: "BigMag is a showcase of magazines which are otherwise not easy to find as they have never been displayed at eye level on the newsstands. Chance is they didn't make it to the newsstands at all. Some of them were published just once; others were for years just few Xeroxed copies held together with a glue stick. Some of them became a breeding ground for maverick journalists and some of them are now to be seen in design handbooks. Most of them have never gained any official recognition. But each of them is a testimonial to someone’s passion for distilling actual events and repeatedly communicating with the world through assemblage of text and image on paper".
Montag, 21. März 2011
Fanzines für den Kindle?
Freitag, 18. März 2011
CfP: Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung
Dienstag, 15. März 2011
The demand for stop-action Star Wars
Noch interessanter finde ich aber die Passagen über Star Wars. Anderson schreibt, dass er seine Kinder vor die Wahl stellte, einen der offiziellen Star Wars-Filme in HD und Surround Sound (inkl. Popcorn) oder Lego-Stop-Motion-Filme von Gleichaltrigen auf YouTube anzuschauen. Sie wählten ohne langes Zögern die selbstproduzierten Animationsfilme: "It turns out that my kids, and many like them, aren't really that interested in Star Wars as created by George Lucas. They're more interested in Star Wars as created by their peers, never mind the shaky cameras and the fingers in the frame. (...) The demand for stop-action Star Wars must have always been there, but just invisible because no marketer thought to offer it. But once we had YouTube, and didn't need a marketer's permission to do things, an invisible market suddenly emerged" (S. 194).
Im Kapitel "Nonmonetary economies. Where money doesn't rule, what does?" beschäftigt sich Anderson mit der Motivation von Menschen, z.B. Wikipedia-Artikel (und ich ergänze: Fan Fiction) zu schreiben: "In short, doing things we like without pay makes us happier than the work we do for a salary. (...) The opportunity to contribute in a way that is both creative and appreciated is exactly the sort of fulfillment that Maslow privileged above all other aspirations, and what many jobs so seldom provide. No wonder the Web exploded, driven by volunteer labor - it made people happy to be creative, to contribute, to have an impact, and to be recognized as an expert in something" (S. 189).
Montag, 14. März 2011
Fanzines: "delivered by shady dudes in trenchcoats"
oh, oh, oh, Captain!
"In the late 70s, there was a lot of Star Trek fan fiction flying around in the fanzines and small presses. This group of writers was poised at just the right moment in history - after the beat generation's free love movement, but before the homophobic AIDS scare - to generate the phenomenon of what we now call Slash Fiction, a genre of fan fiction which places two, usually heterosexual, characters from a popular fantasy property into a homosexual relationship. (...) These, mostly female, fan fiction writers, saw a homoerotic element in the relationship between these characters, a certain dynamic which they felt could only be explained by sexual tension".
Mittwoch, 9. März 2011
Eine Kollegin schreibt über das Kaspar Hauser-Motiv unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Wiedereingliederung der isolierten Personen in die Gesellschaft. Das erinnert mich doch gleich ein bisschen an die Star Trek-Folge Relics, wo Scotty nach 75 Jahren im Transporter-Puffer gewisse Schwierigkeiten hat, sich auf der neuen Enterprise zurechtzufinden.
Paul Booth: Digital fandom
"This book re-evaluates the way we examine today's digital media environment. By looking at how popular culture uses different digital technologies, Digital Fandom bolsters contemporary media theory by introducing new methods of analysis. Using the exemplars of alternate reality gaming and fan studies, this book takes into account a particular 'philosophy of playfulness' in today's media in order to establish a 'new media studies'. Digital Fandom augments traditional studies of popular media fandom with descriptions of the contemporary fan in a converged media environment. The book shows how changes in the study of fandom can be applied in a larger scale to the study of new media in general, and formulates new conceptions of traditional media theories".
Henry Jenkins hat im August 2010 ein Interview mit Paul Booth geführt, das im Weblog "Confessions of an Aca-Fan" (Teil 1 ; Teil 2) nachzulesen ist. Booth spricht darin auch über die Limitierungen bei der Fan-Forschung:
"It seems that empirical data about fans can really only come from one of two sources. We can either ethnographically study fan communities, by joining fan groups, participating in fan discussions, or otherwise involving ourselves with fans; or, we can analyze fan-created texts that populate fan culture. (...) It is relatively easy to study either communities or texts, but it is relatively difficult to do both at once".